Ten reasons why not to buy *made in China*. | |||
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Ten reasons why not to buy *made in China*.
![]() von United Nations For a Free Tibet, Montag, 10. Oktober 2011 um 07:30 1. Human Rights abuses --Inside China and in other nations such as Tibet, Mongolia, Uyghur, Vietnam. ----thousands of examples to be found all over the internet/videos/reports ----*dissidents* from China, Tibet in jails, often with no chance to be freed. 2. Not a good Global Citizen --*if you dont do what we say, you shall be in trouble with us! -- China not being a good Global citizen": on one side China protests against military support of the U.S.A. for Taiwan's independence which is a democratic country and doesn't want to be a part of communist China; on the other side China tried to support Muammar Gaddafi's terrorist regime in Lybia with weapons against a UN embargo! So, why should G8 countries and the others take China serious? 3. Such low wages that millions of workers live in dire poverty. 4. No environmental rules == pollutiing the world == endangering human life. 5. Manipulates its currency to make its goods cheaper at the expense of locally made products causing joblessness worldwide. 6. Piracy of products/ideas - stealing of data from Government files and personal. 7. Corrupt business practices which create dangerous products: i.e. additives such as lead in toys and dinnerware, melamine in food, etc.; Corrupt business practices in nations such as Africa (promise of money and help but then grabbing the land of the AFRICAN nations to mine and use as farmland to feed their own mainland China. -----2nd rate quality of products *made in China* flooding the markets in the USA, Australia, Europe .. 8. Harmful fishing practices (don't buy seafood from China) such as bottom trawling, fishing to depletion of stocks, wasteful practices such as for shark's fins; 9. Chinese traditional medicine also promotes the use of parts from endangered animals, such as rhinoceros and tigers. 10. Wars: China provides many dangerous rogue countries such as PAKISTAN, with weapons and is putting armies around borders with India and other sensitive borders. China is not peaceloving but is out there to take whatever it can, whereever it can, whenever it can. your UNFFT team. october 2011 United Nations for a Free Tibet (408) 658 6338 USA http://unitednations4freetibet.com http://twitter.com/unfft http://facebook.com/unfft ********************* www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_MsFr2ztM ![]() ----------------------------- | ||||||||||||||||
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