IPA Codes table

  IPA symbols with their Unicode numbers
(presented in Arial Unicode MS)
Hexadecimal number Symbol Decimal number
0250 ɐ 592
0251 ɑ 593
0252 ɒ 594
0253 ɓ 595
0254 ɔ 596
0255 ɕ 597
0256 ɖ 598
0257 ɗ 599
0258 ɘ 600
0259 ə 601
025A ɚ 602
025B ɛ 603
025C ɜ 604
025D ɝ 605
025E ɞ 606
025F ɟ 607
0260 ɠ 608
0261 ɡ 609
0262 ɢ 610
0263 ɣ 611
0264 ɤ 612
0265 ɥ 613
0266 ɦ 614
0267 ɧ 615
0268 ɨ 616
0269 ɩ 617
026A ɪ 618
026B ɫ 619
026C ɬ 620
026D ɭ 621
026E ɮ 622
026F ɯ 623
0270 ɰ 624
0271 ɱ 625
0272 ɲ 626
0273 ɳ 627
0274 ɴ 628
0275 ɵ 629
0276 ɶ 630
0277 ɷ 631
0278 ɸ 632
0279 ɹ 633
027A ɺ 634
027B ɻ 635
027C ɼ 636
027D ɽ 637
027E ɾ 638
027F ɿ 639
0280 ʀ 640
0281 ʁ 641
0282 ʂ 642
0283 ʃ 643
0284 ʄ 644
0285 ʅ 645
0286 ʆ 646
0287 ʇ 647
0288 ʈ 648
0289 ʉ 649
028A ʊ 650
028B ʋ 651
028C ʌ 652
028D ʍ 653
028E ʎ 654
028F ʏ 655
0290 ʐ 656
0291 ʑ 657
0292 ʒ 658
0293 ʓ 659
0294 ʔ 660
0295 ʕ 661
0296 ʖ 662
0297 ʗ 663
0298 ʘ 664
0299 ʙ 665
029A ʚ 666
029B ʛ 667
029C ʜ 668
029D ʝ 669
029E ʞ 670
029F ʟ 671
02A0 ʠ 672
02A1 ʡ 673
02A2 ʢ 674
02A3 ʣ 675
02A4 ʤ 676
02A5 ʥ 677
02A6 ʦ 678
02A7 ʧ 679
02A8 ʨ 680
02B0 ʰ 688
02B1 ʱ 689
02B2 ʲ 690
02B3 ʳ 691
02B4 ʴ 692
02B5 ʵ 693
02B6 ʶ 694
02B7 ʷ 695
02B8 ʸ 696
02B9 ʹ 697
02BA ʺ 698
02BB ʻ 699
02BC ʼ 700
02BD ʽ 701
02BE ʾ 702
02BF ʿ 703
02C0 ˀ 704
02C1 ˁ 705
02C2 ˂ 706
02C3 ˃ 707
02C4 ˄ 708
02C5 ˅ 709
02C6 ˆ 710
02C7 ˇ 711
02C8 ˈ 712
02C9 ˉ 713
02CA ˊ 714
02CB ˋ 715
02CC ˌ 716
02CD ˍ 717
02CE ˎ 718
02CF ˏ 719
02D0 ː 720
02D1 ˑ 721
02D2 ˒ 722
02D3 ˓ 723
02D4 ˔ 724
02D5 ˕ 725
02D6 ˖ 726
02D7 ˗ 727
02D8 ˘ 728
02D9 ˙ 729
02DA ˚ 730
02DB ˛ 731
02DC ˜ 732
02DD ˝ 733
02DE ˞ 734
02E0 ˠ 736
02E1 ˡ 737
02E2 ˢ 738
02E3 ˣ 739
02E4 ˤ 740
02E5 ˥ 741
02E6 ˦ 742
02E7 ˧ 743
02E8 ˨ 744
02E9 ˩ 745

Combining Diacritical Marks
(type any symbol before these to combine, here I've used /e/ for exposition)
0300 768
0301 769
0302 770
0303 771
0304 772
0305 773
0306 774
0307 775
0308 776
0309 777
030A 778
030B 779
030C 780
030D 781
030E 782
030F 783
0310 784
0311 785
0312 786
0313 787
0314 788
0315 789
0316 790
0317 791
0318 792
0319 793
031A 794
031B 795
NB! found differences between Lucida and Arial in symbols below)
031C 796
031D 797
031E 798
031F 799
0320 800
0321 801
0322 802
0323 803
0324 804
0325 805
0326 806
0327 807
0328 808
0329 809
032A 810
032B 811
032C 812
032D 813
032E 814
0330 816
0331 817
0332 818
0334 ̴ 820
0335 ̵ 821
0336 ̶ 822
0337 ̷
0338 824
0339 825
033A 826
033C 828
033D 829
033E 830
033F e̿
0340 832
0341 833
0342 834
0344 836
0345 837
0360 864






Page authored by John Wells

Look at this: [ə].
Do you see a phonetic symbol between the square brackets?
(On my browser I see a schwa.)

Displaying IPA symbols

For you to be able to display Unicode phonetic symbols correctly on your web browser,

The style sheet in the head of this document specifies the font Arial MS Unicode, or failing that Lucida Sans Unicode. There is also another version, with no font specified, that you can use to test fonts.

Inserting IPA symbols in web documents

There are two ways to insert Unicode IPA symbols into your HTML files: by using MS Word (97 and later), or by using a numeric code.

Unicode decimal and hex numbers for IPA symbols

The Unicode manual lists code numbers only in hexadecimal. Here they are listed with their decimal numbers as well.

Alphabetic | Spacing diacritics | Non-spacing diacritics


(excluding the standard characters a-z)

Symbol decimal hex value
ɑ 593 0251 open back unrounded
ɐ 592 0250 open-mid schwa
ɒ 594 0252 open back rounded
æ 230 00E6 raised open front unrounded
ɓ 595 0253 vd bilabial implosive
ʙ 665 0299 vd bilabial trill
β 946 03B2 vd bilabial fricative
ɔ 596 0254 open-mid back rounded
ɕ 597 0255 vl alveolopalatal fricative
ç 231 00E7 vl palatal fricative
ɗ 599 0257 vd alveolar implosive
ɖ 598 0256 vd retroflex plosive
ð 240 00F0 vd dental fricative
ʤ 676 02A4 vd postalveolar affricate
ə 601 0259 schwa
ɘ 600 0258 close-mid schwa
ɚ 602 025A rhotacized schwa
ɛ 603 025B open-mid front unrounded
ɜ 604 025C open-mid central
ɝ 605 025D rhotacized open-mid central
ɞ 606 025E open-mid central rounded
ɟ 607 025F vd palatal plosive
ʄ 644 0284 vd palatal implosive
ɠ 608 0260 vd velar implosive
ɢ 610 0262 vd uvular plosive
ʛ 667 029B vd uvular implosive
ɦ 614 0266 vd glottal fricative
ɧ 615 0267 vl multiple-place fricative
ħ 295 0127 vl pharyngeal fricative
ɥ 613 0265 labial-palatal approximant
ʜ 668 029C vl epiglottal fricative
ɨ 616 0268 close central unrounded
ɪ 618 026A lax close front unrounded
ʝ 669 029D vd palatal fricative
ɭ 621 026D vd retroflex lateral
ɬ 620 026C vl alveolar lateral fricative
ɫ 619 026B velarized vd alveolar lateral
ɮ 622 026E vd alveolar lateral fricative
ʟ 671 029F vd velar lateral
ɱ 625 0271 vd labiodental nasal
ɯ 623 026F close back unrounded
ɰ 624 0270 velar approximant
ŋ 331 014B vd velar nasal
ɳ 627 0273 vd retroflex nasal
ɲ 626 0272 vd palatal nasal
ɴ 628 0274 vd uvular nasal
ø 248 00F8 front close-mid rounded
ɵ 629 0275 rounded schwa
ɸ 632 0278 vl bilabial fricative
θ 952 03B8 vl dental fricative
œ 339 0153 front open-mid rounded
ɶ 630 0276 front open rounded
ʘ 664 0298 bilabial click
ɹ 633 0279 vd (post)alveolar approximant
ɺ 634 027A vd alveolar lateral flap
ɾ 638 027E vd alveolar tap
ɻ 635 027B vd retroflex approximant
ʀ 640 0280 vd uvular trill
ʁ 641 0281 vd uvular fricative
ɽ 637 027D vd retroflex flap
ʂ 642 0282 vl retroflex fricative
ʃ 643 0283 vl postalveolar fricative
ʈ 648 0288 vl retroflex plosive
ʧ 679 02A7 vl postalveolar affricate
ʉ 649 0289 close central rounded
ʋ 651 028B vd labiodental approximant
ʊ 650 028A lax close back rounded
ʌ 652 028C open-mid back unrounded
ɣ 611 0263 vd velar fricative
ɤ 612 0264 close-mid back unrounded
ʍ 653 028D vl labial-velar fricative
χ 967 03C7 vl uvular fricative
ʎ 654 028E vd palatal lateral
ʏ 655 028F lax close front rounded
ʑ 657 0291 vd alveolopalatal fricative
ʐ 656 0290 vd retroflex fricative
ʒ 658 0292 vd postalveolar fricative
ʔ 660 0294 glottal plosive
ʡ 673 02A1 vd epiglottal plosive
ʕ 661 0295 vd pharyngeal fricative
ʢ 674 02A2 vd epiglottal fricative
ǀ 448 01C0 dental click
ǁ 449 01C1 alveolar lateral click
ǂ 450 01C2 alveolar click
ǃ 451 01C3 retroflex click

Top of lists

Spacing diacritics and suprasegmentals