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Từnguyên HánNôm
(haylà TiếngNôm có gốcHán)
(The Etymology of Nôm of Chinese Origin)


Biênsoạn: dchph

Từngữ dướiđây trong kho từvựng HánNôm trên đãđược đưavào

TừnguyênNhững từ, chữ, hoặc âmtiết dướiđây cóthể do từ nầy tạothành.
(1) duệ, (2) nhuệ, (3) đoại, (4) dùi, (5) nhọn 銳 ruì, duì (nhuệ, duệ) [ Vh @ QT 銳 (鋭) ruì, duì, yuè (nhuệ, duệ, đoại) < MC jwej, dwʌj < OC *ɫots | PNH: QĐ jeoi, Hẹ jui5 | Shuowen: 芒也。从金兌聲。,籒文銳从厂剡。以芮切 | Kangxi: 《唐韻》以芮切《集韻》《韻會》俞芮切《正韻》于芮切,音叡。《說文》芒也。又《書·顧命》一人冕執銳。《傳》銳,矛屬也。《釋文》銳,以稅反。又《左傳·成二年》銳司徒免乎。《註》銳司徒,主銳兵者。《釋文》銳,悅歲反。 又《廣韻》利也。《史記·武安侯傳》魏其銳身爲救灌夫。《前漢·淮南王傳》於是王銳欲發。《註》王意欲發兵,如鋒刃之銳利。 又《正字通》今凡物鑯利曰銳。《前漢·天文志》下有三星銳,曰罰。《註》上小下大,故曰銳。《爾雅·釋丘》再成銳上爲融丘。《註》纖項者。《釋文》唯歲反。 又《正韻》細小也。《左傳·昭十六年》且吾以玉賈罪,不亦銳乎。《註》銳,細小也。《疏》銳是鋒鋩。《釋文》銳,悅歲反。 又姓。《姓苑》升平申鮮里,有御史中丞銳管。 又《韻會》《正韻》徒外切,音兌。矛屬。 又《集韻》都外切,音祋。義同。 又《五音集韻》弋雪切,音悅。《揚子·方言》盂,宋楚魏之閒或謂之銚銳。 《集韻》籀作。或作稅。 | Guangyun: (1) 銳 以芮 以 祭A合 去聲 霽 合口三等 蟹 祭A jĭwɛi jyed/jvey , (2) 兊 杜外 定 泰合 去聲 泰 合口一等 蟹 泰 dʰuɑi duad/duay || Starostin: pointed, sharp (LZ). During Early Zhou the character is attested (in Shujing) only with the reading *Łōts, MC dwa^̀j, Mand. duì 'a kind of lance' (perhaps related to the basic reading *Łots). Viet. nhuệ, although accepted as standard Sino-Vietnamese, has non-standard (dialectal) initial nasalisation - which is reflected also in Chinese dialectal reflexes: Mand. ruì, Xiamen ʒuiç6ß, Chaozhou zueç4ß etc. (all pointing to *ń-). For this reason it is tempting to consider normal Viet. nhọn 'sharp' as a dialectal loan from the same Chinese source (the initial and tone are the same, while final -n could be explained by nasal assimilation?). | td. 鼓銳 gǔruì (dùitrống) ] , acute, sharp, pointed, Also:, drumstick, a kind of lance,   {ID453069439  -   6/28/2017 12:55:29 PM}

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